

AndroidPIT Samsung KitKat
It was the start of May when the first Android 4.4.2 update rolled out to Galaxy S3 devices on the Sprint network. Now, more than a month later, AT&T has become the second major US carrier to release the update for S3 owners. Both Virgin Mobile and Boost had it a little while ago. The Galaxy Note 2 is also getting some KitKat attention from pretty much every Canadian carrier. Verizon, Sprint and US Cellular have already rolled out KitKat for the Note 2 in the US. [Update: European customers on the AT&T network are also receiveing the Galaxy S3 update]

Slowly but surely, Samsung is getting KitKat out to its devices in North America.
The update brings along some big changes (and a big file size) in the shape of a new lockscreen with media player controls and camera shortcut, and you can of course now choose your default SMS app too. There's Beat Music, closed captioning in the video player, improved location settings menu, more emoji and a bunch of other minor stability and security fixes along with some other KitKat 4.4 specific additions like immersive mode, cloud printing and the sexy transparent navigation and system bars with white icons.
GalaxyS3 Note2
It's time for a chocolate binge as more Galaxy S3 and Note 2 owners get KitKat.
If you want to grab the update just head to Settings > More > About Phone > Software Update > Check for Updates. If the over-the-air file is ready for you it will begin downloading, or you can connect your device to Samsung Kies and see if you can push the firmware manually. As always, it's a good idea to do a full backup of all your important stuff before installing the update, just in case there's a few Gremlins in the code.

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